CAMN 2020 Weather and Birds Class
Class Coordinators
- Kat Ross
- Justin Bosler
- Flo Rice
Date: 01/25/2020
Start time: 8:30 am
End time: 3:00 pm
Austin Water, Center for Environmental Research
2210 South FM 973
Austin, TX 78725
Google Map directions
(Please note that if you search your online maps for “Hornsby Bend” or even “Hornsby Bend Center for Environmental Research,” you may get the wrong place. PLEASE use the address or directions link provided.)
Classroom is located in the brick building just inside the security gate to Hornsby Bend Wastewater Treatment Plant. Check in with the gate guard, let them know you are in the CAMN class. There is plenty of free parking. The CER has an auditorium (to the right as you enter), bathrooms, water fountain, etc. See the Hornsby Site Map for more details.
Where to Park
In the parking lot just inside the guard gate, next to the visible building. There is plenty of parking. Just let the guard at the gate know that you are here for a CAMN class.
Weather (8:30 – 11:30am) – Speaker: Jon W. Zeitler
Lunch (11:30am -12pm)
Birds (12-3pm)- Speaker: Jane Tillman
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Class Speakers
Jon Zeitler ,
- Jon Zeitler serves as the Science and Operations Officer for the National Weather Service, Austin-San Antonio Forecast Office, in New Braunfels, Texas.
Jane Tillman,
- Jane Tillman is an active member of the Travis Audubon Society where she is the co-chair of the Speaker’s Bureau and Program Committee, and a member of the Education Committee. Jane is also the field trip coordinator for the Texas Ornithological Society and leads field trips for Travis Audubon. She writes a monthly bird forecast blog post for a local TV station and has been a Capital Area Master Naturalist since 2001. Jane is a retired UT lecturer in Nutritional Sciences whose passion is birds. She is an active member of the Travis Audubon Society where she is the co-chair of the Speaker’s Bureau and Program Committee, and a member of the Education Committee. She teaches beginning backyard birding classes and gives talks about Central Texas birds and gardening for birds to garden clubs, neighborhood associations, bird festivals and libraries. Jane teaches a Birds of Central Texas class for the local non-profit Lifetime Learning Institute. She gardens for wildlife, has a Best of Texas Backyard Wildlife Habitat, and was fortunate to have a rare Mexican Violet-ear hummingbird visit her yard in 2008. Jane is a past president of the Native Plant Society of Texas, Austin chapter. Jane is also the field trip coordinator for the Texas Ornithological Society and leads field trips for Travis Audubon. She writes a monthly bird forecast blog post for a local TV station. She has been a Capital Area Master Naturalist since 2001.
How to Prepare
- Dress for the weather. We will be outside for 1-2 hrs
- Bring your own lunch.
- Be sure to bring:
- Binoculars
- Bird field guide if you’ve got it
- A sack lunch!
- Notebook
- Pen/pencil
- Reusable coffee mug/thermos
- Reusable water bottle
- Curriculum Units to Read:
- Unit 8 Weather and Climate
- Unit 12 Ornithology
Outdoor Component Description
We will be spending 1-2 hours outside in the afternoon. We will carpool around the retention ponds, making frequent stops to get out and observe waterfowl and shorebirds. Weather and time permitting, we may hike the trails along the river. Please dress for the weather. Comfortable hiking footwear, long pants/shirts, a jacket and hat are recommended.
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