CAMN Header Graphic

Texas Master Naturalists, Capital Area Chapter

Texas Master Naturalist Dragonfly Logo
Texas Parks and Wildlife Logo
Texas A*M Agrilife Extension Logo

Welcome to CAMN

Our Mission: To develop a corps of well-informed volunteers to provide education, outreach, and service dedicated to the beneficial management of natural resources and natural areas within our community .

Join UsCAMN monthly meetings, Advanced Training, and Volunteer Service Projects are open to the public; we invite and encourage your participation!  Sign up for our mailing list.

CAMN’s Commitment to our Community: CAMN’s Commitment to our Community: We are dedicated to creating a volunteer base that reflects the communities in which we serve. Therefore, our members, volunteers, and partners strive to engage all audiences in conservation, education, and stewardship. We recognize the importance of creating an environment that is accessible and welcoming for all.

Current Members (photo of CAMN members volunteering)
Members’ Hub
Already in CAMN?  Here’s what you need to know
Applicants HUB (photo of CAMN members at training class)
Applicants’ Hub
How to apply to become a Master Naturalist
Education and Outreach (image of CAMN members at a table attending naturaliast event)
Education and Outreach
Request a CAMN presentation for your event or classroom
Logging Hours in VMS (image of CAMN members volunteering at Vireo Preserve)
Logging Your Hours in VMS
How to navigate and log your hours in the Volunteer Management System
About CAMN (image of CAMN members on a field trip)
About CAMN
Our mission, history, and community impact

CAMN Partners (Image of Honorary CAMN Member Jim O'Donnell)
CAMN Partners
Groups and places where CAMN members volunteer
Explore with CAMN Members
Community science, chapter projects, and nature musings
Texas Master Naturalist Program (image of CAMN members at State Conference)
Texas Master Naturalist Program
Information about the state program
Contact Us (image of a Great Horned Owl)
Contact Us
Email and mailing addresses for CAMN officers and committees

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