The CAMN Bylaws as Adopted 1/8/2015, Article IV (Membership), Section B (Member Categories) defines:
Honorary Membership. An Honorary Texas Master Naturalist is a person who has made a substantial contribution to the furtherance of the activities of the Chapter. The candidate typically is not a Texas Master Naturalist. Honorary Members shall be entitled to all of the privileges as a Texas Master Naturalist Member of the Chapter without payment of dues, including the right to vote as a Member of the Chapter.
The names of candidates for Honorary Membership may be submitted, by any Chapter Member, to the Chapter Board for approval. With Board approval, the candidate for Honorary Membership will be placed before the general membership for a vote. Honorary members shall be selected by the affirmative two-thirds voice vote of the membership present at any General Membership Meeting.
The following Individuals have made a substantial contribution to the furtherance of the activities of the Capital Area Chapter of the Texas Master Naturalists. In deep appreciation for all they have given our Chapter, we have Inducted the following individuals as Honorary Texas Master Naturalists, Capital Area Chapter
- Submitted and approved by the CAMN BOD on 1/9/2019
- Submitted and approved by the CAMN membership on 1/30/2019
- Presented to Valerie (Val) Bugh on 2/17/2019
- Submitted and approved by the CAMN BOD on 1/9/2020
- Submitted and approved by the CAMN membership on 1/29/2020
- Presented to Jim O’Donnell on 2/9/2020