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Texas Master Naturalists, Capital Area Chapter

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CAMN Officer and Committee Duties

What follows are the currently-assigned duties of the officers and committee chairpeople of CAMN. Duties can be changed per the bylaws and operating procedures maintained by the Board and membership. Committees may be added, changed or removed by the Board as necessary, but some core functions – such as curriculum coordination, advanced training volunteer coordination – are essential to the smooth operation of the organization, and will continue indefinitely.

Ad-hoc committees – appointed by the president – can be convened to solve a specific problem or for other tasks, but are not listed here.

Title Brief Description of Responsibilities
President* Presides over chapter meetings and Board meetings. Serves as a public representative of CAMN. Stays in contact with TMN state office. Advises members on policies, changes, and events (
Vice President* Books speakers for chapter meetings.  Helps plan and prepare for Annual Awards Banquet (
Past President Serves as a voice of wisdom and experience.  Assist with transitions from one administration to the next (
Secretary* Records and disseminates notes from Board meetings (
Treasurer* Manages the budget for the organization.  Allocates funds for programs, supplies, and other expenses (
Members-at-Large Provides input and votes on Board decisions.
New Class Representative Acts as a liaison between the new trainee class and the Board.  Relays messages, concerns, ideas, and accomplishments. Votes on Board decisions on behalf on the new class (
Applications & Admissions** Publishes, receives and reviews applications for prospective members each August-September.  Selects 35 trainees for each new class (
Communications/Website** Oversees and manages content on CAMN website, social media, and email groups (
Curriculum** Organizes training classes for incoming members. Assists with booking
training class locations and speakers. Serves as primary face of CAMN for new trainees (
Membership & VMS** Approves member service hours in VMS system.  Determines which opportunities qualify as valid volunteer service and/or advanced training hours.  Pull reports on active members when needed. Maintains contact with state-level VMS admins (
Mentorship** Matches veteran CAMN members with new trainees in an effort to provide guidance, accountability, and camaraderie during the first-year experience (
Education and Outreach** Schedules CAMN appearances at community events,
schools, and other public venues. Creates activities and programs for a wide range of
audiences (
Field Trips** Organizes field trips (day-long or overnight) to places of interest throughout Texas for CAMN members (
Hospitality (Food & Fun)** VIP. Provides refreshments for chapter meetings, board meetings, and training classes (
Weekly Reader** Identifies and compiles news, member spotlights, volunteer opportunities, AT events, and other information in a bi-weekly email newsletter.  Works with Membership to identify new opportunities (
Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion** Seeks out opportunities to diversify CAMN membership and audiences.  Researches meaningful ways to include people of all abilities and backgrounds in our programming (

* Elected positions. One year term. Any CAMN member in good standing may hold any position.

** Appointed/committee chair positions.

All committee positions may be appointed by the president, and may be held singly or jointly by one or more CAMN member.

More info on officer positions and duties can be found in the chapter bylaws.

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