The Texas Master Naturalist Program is a partnership between Texas Parks and Wildlife Department and Texas A&M Agrilife Extension. The mission of the program is:
To develop a corps of well-informed volunteers to provide education, outreach, and service dedicated to the beneficial management of natural resources and natural areas within their communities.
At the state level, the organization is directed by advisors who provide:
- training guidelines
- program marketing and promotion
- curriculum resources
- advanced training opportunities
Since the Master Naturalist Program began in 1998, more than 8,000 volunteers in 48 state-wide chapters have been trained. Those volunteer Master Naturalists have:
- Provided over 2 million hours of volunteer service
- Contributed work valued at over $40 million
- Connected with 2 million school children
- Enhanced over 90,000 acres of wildlands, preserves, and natural habitats
For more information about the program at the state level, visit txmn.org
State Master Naturalist Annual Meeting
Each year in October, Master Naturalists from chapters across the state gather for several days of Advanced Training, Field Trips, and awards presentations. This is a wonderful opportunity to meet, share ideas, and learn from fellow Master Naturalists. This meeting is open to all Texas Master Naturalists. Typically a dozen or more CAMN members attend the Annual meeting. The Capital Area Chapter typically offers full or partial scholarships to members in good standing needing financial assistance. Contact president@camn.org for details.
The 2024 annual meeting will be in San Marcos, TX October 24-27. The Capital Area chapter is sponsoring many field trips and speakers (see the agenda when it is announced for details).
Nearby Master Naturalist Chapters
In addition to CAMN, other nearby Central Texas chapters include:
- Good Water Chapter (Williamson County)
- Balcones Canyonlands Chapter (western Travis County)
- Lost Pines Chapter (Bastrop, Caldwell Counties)
- Hays County (Hays County)
- Highland Lakes Chapter (Blanco, Burnet, Llano Counties)
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