Grass Seed Collecting on WQPL
Grass seed collecting at an Austin Water Water Quality Protection Land preserve yielded a nice collection of Silver Bluestem, Tridens, and Sideoats Gamma. Eleven volunteers, with some representing the Capital Area and Hays County Master Naturalists chapters, worked two hours on a sunny mid-day. Volunteers are trained to collect ripe seed from native forbs and grasses. The seed is […]
Enhancing Rainwater for Native Plants on an Austin Preserve
Some people think I, as president, do nothing in CAMN but send emails and run some meetings. Today I offer a spot of proof to prove otherwise. I was photographed in the wild at a work session on Austin Water/Wildland Conservation Division’s Vireo Preserve at the completion of one of the last steps of finishing our […]
Wildland Restoration, and the World of Talking Trees
On one particular 209-acre preserve in West Austin – one that abuts the well-known Wild Basin Preserve – a City of Austin biologist, Jim O’Donnell, has been leading almost-weekly volunteer work groups to restore natural areas that had been historically mismanaged by clear-cutting and scorching fires that damaged the soils. Jim has been following the […]
Our Desired Future, a Story of Texas Water
Sharlene Leurig, Director, Texas Environmental Flows, brought a compelling story of Texas water to our Monthly Meeting last night, documented beautifully in the multimedia project, Our Desired Future. The rich photography, deep fact-based writing, familiar locations, original charts and graphs, animations, and movies tell the story of our water from deep underground to its life at the […]
Love Notes: Forest Ridge Land Steward Orientation
On May 14, Cait M and Mark S. who work for City of Austin Wildlands Conservation offered a training for land stewards on the Bull Creek Forest Ridge trail of the Balcones Canyonlands Preserve (BCP).
Love Notes: Madrone Canyon Preserve
The Madrone Canyon Preserve is located at 9411 Bee Caves Road Austin. It is a five-acre natural area that belongs to the Laura Bush Community Library and is maintained by the Friends of the Westbank Librairies. All are welcome to join Capital Area Master Naturalist Jean Love El Harim on a hike through the Canyon every first Saturday from 10:00 to 11:00. Here are notes and photos from Jean’s last two visits to the Canyon.
Love Notes: Finding Austin’s Endangered Ones – A BCP Hike
A hike on the Aralia trail, in search of golden-cheeked warblers.
Footsteps Through Time
A Hike in the Butler Ecological Preserve
CAMN on Twitter: Supporting the Colorado River Alliance
@CapAreaMN made a financial contribution to one of our great partners, @TXColoradoRiver. #txmn #txmasternaturalist #donate #River — CAMN (@CapAreaMN) March 4, 2016
Fire in Central Texas
“Prescribed burning will do more to improve habitat for deer and numerous other wildlife than any other practice. Prescribed burning is also considered the ‘cheapest, most effective habitat management technique.’ ” – TPWD website Wildfires were once essential to Texas. Grasses and understory plants used to burn at intervals of two to five years. […]
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