Category: Field Trips

  • Caprock Mesas and Desert Canyons

    The CAMN Field Trip to Twistflower Ranch At the end of August, ten Master Naturalists from the Capital Area and Hill Country (Kerrville) Chapters fled the oppressive central Texas humidity and sought refuge and advanced training on the caprock mesas and in the desert canyons of Twistflower Ranch.  The ranch covers nearly six thousand acres on the […]

  • Grass Seed Collecting on WQPL

    Grass seed collecting at an Austin Water Water Quality Protection Land preserve yielded a nice collection of Silver Bluestem, Tridens, and Sideoats Gamma. Eleven volunteers, with some representing the Capital Area and Hays County Master Naturalists chapters, worked two hours on a sunny mid-day. Volunteers are trained to collect ripe seed from native forbs and grasses. The seed is […]

  • Bull Creek Preserve Permit Hike

    Bull Creek Preserve Permit Hike

    Description of a Bull Creek Permit Hike

  • A day of weather, climate and water birds at Hornsby Bend

    The 2016 Trainees completed their second class recently. It was held at Hornsby Bend’s Center for Environmental Research, a department of Austin Water Utility. Dr. Kevin Anderson (director of the CER) lectured on the history of ecology in the U.S. and Texas. Jon W. Zeitler (Science and Operations Officer, National Weather Service, Austin-San Antonio) spoke […]

  • Canyon Lake Gorge Advanced Training Trip Recap

    Eighteen CAMN’ers and enthusiastic friends and family members had a successful Advanced Training trip to the Canyon Lake Gorge  Saturday, 1/24. We were hosted by the Gorge Preservation Society. Great hike and lecture on the canyon and its geology. Thanks to Jaynellen Ladd at the Society for helping set this up. And a special shout-out […]