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Texas Master Naturalists, Capital Area Chapter

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CAMN Monthly Chapter Meetings

CAMN January Chapter Meeting
Wednesday, January 22 | 6:30-8 PM

Not “If” but “Where”: Wildfire Awareness

Presented by Cody Chappel, Wildfire Mitigation Specialist with Austin Fire Department (AFD), Wildfire Division

Cody Chappel headshot in uniform.

Virtual ONLY, held on Zoom and recorded; In-person pairing information below

VMS: Instructions below

We welcome everyone to join us on Zoom to share fun nature moments, catch up on the latest Chapter news & events, and hear from Cody Chappel about Wildfire Risk and Management in Austin!

In his talk, Cody will address these questions: WHAT is the current wildfire situation in the Capital Area? WHO is at risk? HOW has the City prepared? and HOW can you prepare?

The Austin Fire Department (AFD)’s Wildfire Division addresses the potential threat of wildfires through public education, fuel (vegetation) management and effective firefighting response. Read more about what they do and how they connect with and educate the public.

Cody Chappel is a Wildfire Mitigation Specialist with AFD in the Wildfire Division and serves the Fire Resilient Landscapes program. He brings 11 years of wildfire mitigation experience gained in many Southern California wildfires. At urban forestry vanguard TreePeople, he served as Program Manager of the largest volunteer-powered wildland ecological restoration program across 3 mountain ranges in Southern California. From native plant propagation to evacuations, he brings firsthand experience from multiple perspectives to the wildfire conversation. He is currently studying for the ISA Certified Arborist exam.

Some additional links shared by our presenter:

Bring along all of your Wildfire questions and join us on January 22 at 6:30 PM! This meeting is FREE and open to ALL!

In-person Firewise Pairing

Join Cody Chappel, Wildfire Mitigation Specialist with Austin Fire Department (AFD), Wildfire Division to learn about Firewise Preparedness from AFD and their Fire Adapted Communities team.

When: Sunday, February 9 | 1:30 – 3 PM
Where: State Firefighters’ & Fire Marshall’s Association of Texas, 707 Farm to Market 1626, Austin TX 78748

Be sure to REGISTER in advance, as space is limited

What is being Firewise about? The wildland urban interface is where developed areas intermingle with undeveloped areas. It is the area adjacent to property where actions can be taken to prevent damage or loss from wildfire. There are over 14,500 communities at risk of wildfire in Texas. Training community leaders to work with local residents to develop and implement local wildfire preparedness programs is the best strategy for reaching as many people as possible.

Additional Links:

  • Firewise USA: a national program that encourages homeowners and communities to take action to reduce their wildfire risk.
  • Firewise Landscaping: create a defensible space to help save your home from wildfire.
Firefighters spray water from a long hose onto a fire on the ground.

VMS Instructions for CAMN Members

Chapter meeting: Attending the virtual presentation on January 22 earns up to .5 hours of Volunteer Service (CB: Chapter Business>Chapter Meeting) and 1 hour of Advanced Training (AT: CAMN Chapter Meeting) for time in attendance. You may NOT receive credit for watching the recording.

Pairing: Attending the in-person session on February 9 earns up to 1.5 hours of Advanced Training (AT: General Advanced Training). It does NOT include driving time.

~Field Experiences~

We are planning the next Field Experience. Please stay tuned!

Previous Chapter Meeting Recordings/Presentations

Note: Recordings of previous chapter meetings do not count for Advanced Training (AT). The State of Texas requires the opportunity for Q&A and discussion for all AT and only live meetings allows for this.




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