I was in the CAMN Class of 2009, just 6 short years ago. I quickly jumped into volunteer work and came to know and work with many outstanding naturalist organizations and people. The wonderful staff at the Austin Wildlands BCP/WQPL division. The dedicated trail builders with Central Texas Trail Tamers. Citizen volunteers at Travis Audubon, Wildflower Center, Hornsby Bend. CAMN has been my gateway to exploring David Bamberger’s Selah Ranch, learning grass ID with Bill Carr at the Shield Ranch, monitoring Golden-cheeked Warblers in west Travis County, working on the Violet Crown Trail. And on and on I could go.
Two years ago I realized many of these opportunities were available to me partly due to the hard-working people on the CAMN Board. I decided I wanted to step up and help out. I contacted the President, attended a Board meeting as a guest, and found myself volunteering to organize field trips. It was that easy.
The last two years on the Board has been a lot of fun. I have met many friendly people, seen dedicated leadership, had the opportunity to contribute in a meaningful way to CAMN’s success. Never left to sink or swim, CAMN is flush with experienced members, including former leaders, always ready to help a new Board member be successful. I would like to encourage any CAMN member to consider joining the CAMN board and help us continue to flourish.
Think of all the positives! Great snacks at Board meetings. Enjoy Harry Miller’s stories. Meaningful public service for your resume (not joking — buff it up at CAMN). Contact the Nominating Committee – Marc Opperman (president@camn.org) or Mark Wilson (field.trips@camn.org) and let us know how you want to help out.