With all that is Spring comes a surge of insects, many of them whizzing by our heads anywhere we happen to be… our back yards, the trail… day or night.
To help us make some sense of this particular form of insect locomotion, our April meeting will feature a talk by Wild Basin’s John Abbott on the Wonders of Insect Flight. John is, at heart, a teacher, and a very good one. We have been fortunate to have his services as both a teacher for our yearly trainees, and as a repeat speaker at our monthly meetings.
Those familiar with John’s work will know this talk will feature his astounding insect photography – macros, stopped-action of insects in flight, and every minute aspect of insect life. His love of teaching extends to photographic technique workshops available to anyone aspiring to up their nature photography game. CAMN members are often given advance notice – and a discount – on his class registrations.
John’s work is not limited to running Wild Basin, however. He’s a photographer and author whose work populates several insect identification field guides, most notably the UT Press guides on damselflies and dragonflies. Both will be available for sale at the meeting. He and his wife, Kendra, are currently working on revising the Peterson Field Guide to Insects of North America and writing a field guide to the Common Insects of Texas. His passion for one order of insects, odonates (dragonflies and damselflies), led him to create the eminent online resource for tracking the species, found at odonatacentral.org.
If any of this sounds intriguing, flit on over to our April meeting at the Austin Nature and Science Center Wednesday, April 29 at 6:30 pm. Parking is available under the Mopac Bridge, and light snacks are provided. All members of the public are welcomed to attend.
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