This past Saturday saw the CAMN trainees for the class of 2015 visiting the Ladybird Johnson Wildflower Center for an overview of geology and soils in Central Texas. Jon Brandt, soils scientist with the Railroad Commission of Texas and a longtime CAMN member, coordinated the class. This was Jon’s 15th and last year as coordinator, as he has expressed a desire to pass the baton.
Nico Hauwert, geologist and senior hydrologist with City of Austin Watershed Protection Department, presented an introduction to basic geology and our regional geology, with an emphasis on groundwater-aquifer interaction. Jacob Eikstead, soil scientist, Surface Mining and Reclamation Division, Railroad Commission of Texas, taught the soils segment, covering soil composition and its relation to plant propagation. Students spent time at three hands-on stations that demonstrated soil composition, rock types, and soils identification. Following lunch, students got a unique chance to visit geology from the inside by touring the LBJWC Wildflower Cave.
Prior to starting the curriculum materials, Dr. Karen Clary, LBJWC’s senior program director, presented some of the missions of the center, as well as made a request for involvement in the Emerald Ash Borer identification project.
Thank you to Ranleigh Hirsh and Paul Clements for class logistics help, and for accepting the baton to be passed by Jon for the 2016 class.
(Photos by Marc Opperman)
Visiting the cave at LBJWC (photos by Ryan Lassiter):
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