This is a great way to earn a permit to hike an otherwise seasonally-closed (March 1 – July 31) trail in golden-cheeked warbler habitat. You’ll go on an orientation hike with a Wildlands staff member, and have access to online study materials for a 30-question quiz before earning the badge. If you’ve never been involved with the Wildland Division’s programs, this is a great introduction (and served as the gateway to me becoming a Master Naturalist!) It is also a good way to listen for or spot the golden-cheeked warbler and learn its calls, as the trail will usually be a quieter affair… no people without permits are allowed during breeding season, nor are dogs, bikes or large groups at any time of the year.
The permit is good for three years. At that time, there is no need to take the hike again. Simply take the online test, and send in an updated photo for a new badge
For Master Naturalists, this can count as Advanced Training credit.